United States of America Home > North America > USA
(United States / the U.S. / the USA / America)
Current time in the United States of America
Eastern Time Zone (ET)  UTC-5 [DST+1] 
New York (NY) / Philadelphia (PN) / Detroit (MI) /
Indianapolis (IN) / Washington, D.C.
Central Time Zone (CT)  UTC-6 [DST+1] 
Chicago (Illinois) / Houston (Texas)
Mountain Time Zone (MT)  UTC-7 
Denver (Colorado) [DST+1] Phoenix (Arizona) [no DST]
Pacific Time Zone (PT)  UTC-8 [DST+1] 
Los Angeles (California) / Seattle (Washington)
Alaska Time Zone  UTC-9 [DST+1] 
Anchorage (Alaska)
Hawaii-Aleutian Time Zone  UTC-6 [no DST] 
Honolulu (Hawaii)
Country Information - USA
BBC : United States of America country profile
CIA - The World Factbook : United States
UNdata : United States of America
Wikipedia : United States of America
FCO - Travel & living abroad : United States
Lonely Planet : USA
Time Zones in the US (and Canada)
Current weather in New York City, NY
Map of the USA reload 

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News and Media - USA
News Conc : United States of America
Squid Times : United States of America
Capital / Largest City
Capital City: Washington, D.C.
Largest City: New York City